America’s Boating Course will be offered this summer by the Grand Lake Sail and Power Squadron. This United States Power Squadron in-depth course will be taught to the public by certified instructors of the Grand Lake Sail & Power Squadron. The course is being taught on successive Saturdays to reach boaters who find it difficult to attend evening sessions.
The course will be completed in two days. It will include classroom instruction followed by on-the-water instruction for interested students. The 244 page course manual and CD covers many topics including docking, leaving a dock, using an anchor, loading and trimming a boat. Also, learn how to do pivot turns and quick stops (helpful in docking). Proper trailering, storing and protecting your boat are also subjects to be covered in the comprehensive course. Learn navigation rules (sometimes referred to as right-of-way rules) to help avoid collisions, what boat safety equipment is needed on various sizes of boats and how to handle emergencies that may occur while boating.
To see a video of our spring 2012 class shown on KOAM Channel 7 Pittsburg-Joplin go to YouTube. Paste this URL into your browser:
A similar course, given by a commercial boating education firm, would cost several hundred dollars, but the non-profit USPS and Grand Lake Squadron is offering it for only $40 for both classroom and the on-the-water instruction. Plus, as an added bonus, it will include an optional 6 month free membership in United States Power Squadron and the Grand Lake Squadron.
Many boat insurance companies will offer discounts on boating insurance to boaters who successfully complete the ABC course. This nationally recognized course also meets the requirement for a safety course for youths age 12-16 in Oklahoma.
Pre-registration is required. Send checks payable to “Grand Lake Sail & Power Squadron” to:
David Sloan
704 Lakewood Drive
Grove, OK 74344
Or, contact David Sloan at, 918-801-2050
Dates: Two sessions, June 8 and 15, 9 am – 1 pm
Location: Grand Lake Association Bldg, N Hwy 59, Grove
Fee: $40 (Includes the textbook, costs of the on-the-water training and six month free trial membership.)