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Grand Lake Chamber to Host Legislators August 15th


grand Lake Chamber Logo480 72The Grand Lake Area Chamber of Commerce’s regular membership meeting will take on a political flavor as the organization has extend an invitation to both federal and state representatives to participate in a legislative forum on August 15th. The meeting will be hosted in the GRDA Eco-Systems Building in the Grand Hall with things getting underway at 11:30 am. Members, and non-embers alike, are encouraged to attend and take advantage of this opportunity to hear from their elected officials personally.

Portions of the invitation extended to our areas legislative representatives are as follows:

The Grand Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, once known as the South Grand Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, has long been recognized as providing an open channel of communications between its membership and our state and federal representatives. Over the years, one of the most effective tools utilized for communications between our members and our elected representatives has proven to be the legislative gatherings sponsored by the chamber.

Please consider this your invitation to attend our first legislative breakfast function for 2013. The event is scheduled for August 15, 2013 at the GRDA Eco-systems Building in Langley, Oklahoma. Each office holder, or their designated representative, will be afforded an ample opportunity to update our membership on legislation, either passed or pending, which could possibly impact our day-to-day lives in the future.

The function also provides an opportunity for our membership to direct questions and provide input on both statewide and Grand Lake specific issues. In the past, the legislative functions have been one of the most popular events hosted by the chamber. Lunch will get underway at approximately11:30am and the meeting will commence at 12:00pm. We would like to encourage an RSVP from you individually or your designated staff member to assist us with planning our function.

The chamber’s executive director, Rusty Fleming is anticipating a large turnout and said, “This will be one of our most popular meetings of the year and with the current events relative to Grand Lake, interest should be extremely high. We currently have confirmations of attendance from State Senator Wayne Shaw, State Representative Doug Cox, and field representative from both Senator Coburn and Inhofe with numerous invitations still pending.”

Fleming added, “We would really like to encourage advance reservations…catered by Clanton’s with their famous chicken fried steak and flavored with some local and national political seasoning, it should be an extremely interesting meeting.”

Reservation can be made by visiting the chamber’s web site, www.grandlakechamber.org, to register, by e-mailing the office at grandlakechamber@gmail.com or call the office at 918-782-3214.

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