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Cox’s Corner by State Representative Doug Cox, M.D.


This and That
The unemployment rate for Mayes County is 4.8 percent and it is 5 percent in Delaware County, according to the latest statistics available.
Doug Cox2 In a recent survey of parents who opted for private schools for their children, their number one concern was “better student discipline.” I find it interesting that while public schools are concerned about losing students and funding to private schools that many public school districts do not allow corporal punishment – spanking – of a student, in spite of parental concerns about discipline. The second reason given for moving a child to a private school was “better learning environment” followed by “smaller class size.”
The nation’s leading research in rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus is being done right here in Oklahoma at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation.
The poultry industry is a major economic force in our state. Oklahoma produces around 726 million eggs each year. Last year, our state raised 206 million birds, producing 1.3 billion pounds of chicken for consumption at a value of $824 million. Poultry is the third-most valuable livestock commodity for Oklahoma, ranking behind cattle and hogs. Nationwide, the poultry industry provides almost two million jobs. They certainly are an economic boost to Northeast Oklahoma.
Free smoke alarms are available to the deaf. They include a bed shaker, and a loud , low-frequency bedside alert signal, as well as a strobe light. They can be obtained at www.ok.gov/abletech/fire_safety/index.html.
It is estimated that in the next eight years Delaware and Mayes Counties will receive $196,895,410 worth of road improvements. This is according to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation’s “eight-year plan.”
Thanks for allowing me to serve as your state representative. I can be reached at dougcox@okhouse.gov or 405-557-7415.

The post Cox’s Corner by State Representative Doug Cox, M.D. appeared first on Grand Lake Business Journal.com.

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