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Grove Public Schools Dec 10th Board Agenda


Grove Public Schools
Board Agenda
Regular Meeting
December 10, 2013

TIME: 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, December 10, 2013

PLACE: Grove Administration Building, 310 S. Broadway, Grove, OK 74344

NOTE: The Grove Board of Education may discuss, vote to approve, disapprove, vote to table, or decide not to vote on any item on this agenda and except for items I and II, may take up any item in any order.

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States and Salute to the Oklahoma State Flag (“I salute the flag of the State of Oklahoma. Its symbols of peace unite all people.”)

IV. Audience with Individuals or Groups

V. Financial and Budget Reports

VI. Report of Superintendent

VII. 1. Consent Agenda – These are items of a routine nature. The board may approve all of these items in one vote or may vote on any of the items separately.

a) Minutes of November 12, 2013 regular board meeting.

b) Approval of bills and claims

c) Approval of the financial report of the activity funds.

d) Treasurer’s report as the status of funds and investments.

e) Discuss and vote to approve or not to approve student transfers.

f) Discuss and vote to approve or not approve fundraisers.

g) Accept donations as per attachment A

h) Declare surplus, as no longer needed by district, items as listed per attachment B and to authorize the superintendent to dispose of these items in a manner she deems in the best interest of the school district.
2. 2012-2013 audit presentation by Sanders, Bledsoe, & Hewitt, CPA.

3. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve 2013-14 school calendar
revision for the Feb. 26, 2014 professional day and state testing conflict.

4. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve high school handbook

5. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve application for E-Rate funding
for the 2014-15 school year.

6. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve the following policy
• Graduation Requirements EIED
• Superintendent Evaluation Form BJCD-R

7. Discuss and vote to approve or not approve sanctioning the following
• 2014 Project Graduation
• 2015 Project Graduation
• 2016 Project Graduation
• 2017 Project Graduation
• Grove Wrestling Booster Club
• Grove Soccer Booster Club
• Lady Red Softball Booster Club
• Grove Diamond Booster Club (baseball)
• Grove Tip In Club (boys basketball)
• Lady Ridgerunner Booster Club (girls basketball)
• Grove Track/Cross Country Booster Club
• Grove Band Booster Club

8. Discuss and vote to employ or not employ an extra duty International Club sponsor. (This item qualifies for executive session)

9. Discuss and vote to employ or not employ a bus driver. (This item qualifies for executive session)

VIII. Discussion, consideration, and vote to determine the necessity of an executive session and vote to go into executive session, pursuant to Okla. Stat., Tit.25, Section 307(b.)l for discussion of employing personnel in items 8 and 9.

IX. Vote to acknowledge return to open session.

X. Statement by board president of executive session minutes.

XI. Vote to employ or not to employ personnel in item 8 and 9.

XII. New Business.

XIII. Vote to Adjourn

Date & Time: _______________________

Location: Front window of Administration Building at 310 S. Broadway, Grove, OK. Agenda can be viewed on the school’s internet web site at www.ridgerunners.net.

By: ________________________________

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