In recent years, one of the most productive fund raisers for the Duck Creek Fireworks Show has been a dinner, hosted by Joe Harwood and Arrowhead Yacht Club & Marina, aimed at attracting major donors for the event. With a minimum donation of $500, Harwood and Arrowhead donate a gourmet meal for two and a fun-filled evening. Things get underway Friday June 7th at 6:30 pm on the deck overlooking Duck Creek
Some of the vintage War Bird WWII aircraft, which have become a mainstay of the annual Duck Creek Show, will be flying overhead as dinner is served on the Arrowhead deck. J.B. Robinson & Son will be on hand to entertain and handle the auction chores. As in the past, the auction items will be rare items not usually found at area fund raisers as in a plane ride aboard one of the vintage World War II Warbirds, dinner for ten provided by Arrowhead and a private fireworks show and there’s more in the offing. And the exclamation point of a spectacular evening will be a sampler fireworks show to get everyone pumped up about the Independence Holiday celebration Grand style.
All this for two is $500 and none of it is used for expenses as Arrowhead and a few generous vendors sponsor the evening. Last year’s event attracted some hundred-plus people and raised approximately $25,000 for the show and this year should even be better.
Harwood got involved with the July 4th fireworks display in 1985, when The Cherokee Yacht Club was going through bankruptcy. He remembers the events surrounding 1985 and his motivation to take a giant step forward in preserving a Grand Lake tradition, like this.
“When we started, we were shooting $5,000 shows, then we moved up to $8,000 then $10,000 and that went on up to $25,000 shows. Now we are working with a $100,000 plus budget. It is the largest fireworks show in the state of Oklahoma – a Premiere Event!”
The Duck Creek Fireworks Show is totally supported by donations. In recent years, Harwood has credited the “Sparkplug Dinner” and its major donors, for enabling the show’s continued growth over the years and remembers its start like this.
“The first person that stepped up and made a commitment to the $1,000 Donor Program was Skip Teel. He’s been a major donor ever since Arrowhead assumed responsibility for the show. Skip was the backbone of the heavy contributions and the birth of the Sparkplug concept that has catapulted us to the huge show that we have today.”
To take part in a grand event and make your reservation for the Sparkplug Dinner call 918-782-3292 or e-mail your request to